Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Study Guide for AP English Essay 1

Ms. Conn Oak Aung and Harsimran Janjua
AP English, Period 3 April 27, 2010


Diction primary meaning refers to the writer's or the speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression. Diction helps us understand the poet’s vocabulary as well as the reason why he chose those words to express the poet’s inner feeling. Diction helps us answer the essay question because we can use diction to describe how he uses those vocabularies to describe a particular place, event and a subject and the style that he used to express it.


Tone in poetry expresses the poet’s attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work and also tells us whether the author is positive or negative. Tone can also refer to the overall mood of the poem itself, in the sense of a pervading atmosphere intended to influence the readers' emotional response and foster expectations of the conclusion. Tone helps us answer the essay question because we can use tone to emphasis his tone of voice, his facial expression, even his gestures to help determine the speaker's meaning and attitude.

Figurative Language

Figurative language changes the literal meaning, to make a meaning fresh or clearer, to express complexity, to capture a physical or sensory effect, or to extend meaning. Figurative language is also called figures of speech. Figurative languages help us answer the essay question because we can use simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, Apostrophe and oxymoron to express literal meaning of the work.

Thematic Focus
  • Timing is crucial  
  • About 45 minutes per essay question take advantage of time 
  • Remember there are two other essays write so don’t spend too much time 
  • Read the prompt! Attack the question! *rawr* 
  • Spend time analyzing what the prompt is asking for 
  • Circle or underline what you need to focus on  
  • “Read the following poem carefully. Then write a well-organized essay in which you analyze 
  • how the poet uses language to describe the scene and to convey mood and meaning.” 
  • Once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll read in a focused way; know what you are looking for 
  • Annotate! Just do it… -.-‘’ 
  • Look for literary techniques and figurative language (refer back to analytical focus) 
  • Connect annotations to essay question 
  • Why did the author use them? What is its purpose? What is its significance?

Essay time! ^_^

  • Remember to introduce the text in the introduction 
  • Make a mini outline in the margins! 
  • Use specific references that support your thesis 
  • Use repetition to bring the essay back 
  • Focus on the main literary techniques and discuss and analyze them effectively 
  • Avoid, avoid, avoid plot summary! 

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